Wednesday, March 29, 2017

TQM - Short Question and Answers

1. Define Total Quality?
TQM is a enhancement to the traditional way of doing business. It is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. It is defined both a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization.

2. Define Quality?
Quality = Performance x Expectations

3. What are the Dimensions of Quality?
- Performance 
- Features 
- Conformance 
- Reliability 
- Durability

4. Give the Basic Concepts of TQM?
A committed and involved management to provide long-term top-to-bottom organizational support. An unwavering focuses on the customer, both internally and externally. Effective involvement and utilization of the entire work force.

5. State Deming Philosophy?
- Create and publish the aims and purposes of the organization. 
- Learn the new philosophy. -Understand the purpose of inspection. 
- Stop awarding business based on price alone. 
- Improve constantly and forever the system. 
- Institute training.

6. Give the Principles of TQM?
1. Constancy of purpose: short range and long range objectives aligned 
2. Identify the customer(s); Customer orientation 
3. Identification of internal and external customers 
4. Continuous improvement 
5. Workflow as customer transactions

7. Give the Obstacles associated with TQM Implementation?
- Lack of management commitment 
- Inability to change organizational culture 
- Improper planning
- Lack of continuous training and education 
- Incompatible organizational structure and isolated individuals and departments

8. Give the Analysis Techniques for Quality Costs?
i. Trend Analysis 
ii. Pareto Analysis

9. Define Quality Costs?
Quality Costs are defined as those costs associated with the non achievement of product or service quality as defined by the requirements established by the organization and its contracts with customers and society.

10. Give the primary categories of Quality cost?
i. Preventive cost category 
ii. Appraisal cost category 
iii. Internal failure cost category 
iv. External failure cost category

11. State Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Level 1 : Survival 
Level 2 : Security 
Level 3 : Social 
Level 4 : Esteem 
Level 5 : Self-actualization

12. State Frederick Herzberg’s Two-factor theory?
Herzberg found that people were motivated by recognition, responsibility, achievement and the work itself.

13. What does an employee want?
i. Interesting work 
ii. Appreciation 
iii. Involvement

14. What are the concepts to achieve a motivated work force?
a. Know thyself 
b. Know your employees 
c. Establish a positive attitude 
d. Share the goals
e. Monitor progress 
f. Develop interesting work 
g. Communicate effectively 
h. Celebrate success

15. Define Empowerment?
Empowerment means invest people with authority. Its purpose is to tap the enormous reservoir of creativity and potential contribution that lies within every worker at all levels.

16. What are the three conditions necessary to create the empowered environment?
i. Everyone must understand the need for change. 
ii. The system needs to change for the new paradigm 
iii. The organization must enable its employees

17. What are the types of teams?
i. Process improvement team 
ii. Cross-functional team 
iii. Natural work teams 
iv. Self-directed/self-managed work teams

18. What are the characteristics of successful teams?
a. Sponsor 
b. Team charter 
c. Team composition 
d. Training 
e. Ground rules 
f. Clear objectives 
g. Accountability 
h. Well-defined decision procedures 
i. Resources

19. What are the decision-making methods?
a) Non-decision 
b) Unilateral decision 
c) Handclasp decision 
d) Minority-rule decision 
e) Majority-rule decision 
f) Consensus

20. What are the stages of team development?
i. Forming
ii. Storming
iii. Norming
iv. Performing
v. Adjourning

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