Tuesday, September 8, 2020

When I was a Small Child

When I was a Small Child


  • Introduction
  • Love of Parents
  • Certain incidents of Childhood
    • A trick of juggles 
    • How much I wept at the first day of my School
  • Mischief of friends 

I am the eldest child in my family and was born after seven years of my parents marriage. You can very well imagine what a rare gen I am for them. I was fondled lavishly and a singer tear from my eye would bring ten from my mother’s eye.

The Funniest Incident

The Funniest Incident


  • Introduction
  • May departure
  • Change of Address
  • My scorch for the house 
  • Good news 

One Sunday morning, I received an invitation from a friend of mine, Mr. Sohail, I had come back from UK to my native place. So, he invited me to lunch. I got up early in the morning and started getting ready. My sister gave me a cup of tea early in the morning.

My Most Interesting Dreams

My Most Interesting Dreams

  • Introduction
  • Beautiful city of pares
  • Scene of Club
  • Love for a girl
  • Conclusion

Dreams are the by-products of our sub-conscious state of mind. Dreams are of many kinds. But the dream which I had last Sunday was the most interesting dream of mine.

The Snake Charmer

The Snake Charmer


  • Introduction
  • Basket which they have
  • Premise them a pie
  • Music, dance and reaction
  • Conclusion 

Snake charmers are a class by themselves. They are perhaps, the aborigines of Pakistan who have now adopted this profession to earn their livelihood. They go about from place to place, displaying their snakes whey they keep as a precious treasures.

An Ideal Student


  • Introduction
  • Ways of living
  • A strictly disciplined person
  • Selection of friends
  • Respect of parents
  • Servant of humanity
  • Conclusion

An ideal student is one who is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He paves the way for the younger generations. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. A nationa can progress if the students have high ideas before them. A student who scores highly is not necessarily an ideal student. He may set a new record in the school but prove utter failure in real life.