Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working with Colors - VIII

Let us learn the details about the basics of fill in Corel DRAW.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.
corel draw fill
2. Click on any color from the color palette at right hand side. The object is filled with color. We have increased the thickness of the outline to see the difference in the colors prominently.
corel draw fill

3. If you right click on the some color, outline will be colored with same fill color. Now you will see the object with no border as the border is merged with the fill since we have used same color for both.
corel draw fill
4. Try different colors for fill and outline.
corel draw fill
5. Click on the cross mark at the top of the color palette. The color is removed and you again get the object with outline.
corel draw fill
6. Please remember that cross filled icon on the top of the color palette is used to remove fill when clicked normally and it removes outline when clicked with right button.
7. Click on Fill Tool from toolbox (marked with red circle).
corel draw fill
8. The first option is "Fill Color Dialog". Click it and you will get "Uniform Fill" dialog box. Click on any color or the shade. Please do not change any settings. Click ok.
corel draw fill
9. The object is filled with the color you have selected.

Fountain Fill
Let us learn the details about the basics of fountain fill in Corel DRAW.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.
corel fountain fill
2. Click on Fill Tool from toolbox. The second option is "Fountain Fill Dialog". Click it and you will get "Fountain Fill" dialog box.
3. Let us observe the default values in the dialogue box. Black and white colors are selected for fill. "Two Color" is selected in the color blend. And the fill type is "Linear" Please do not change any settings.
corel fountain fill
4. Click ok. The object is filled with black and white linear gradient fill.
corel fountain fill
5. Open Fountain Fill again and change Linear Fill type to Radial. Click ok. Observer the result. Try Square and Conical fill types. In the following image we have (from top left, clockwise direction), Linear, Radial, Square and Conical fill.
corel fountain fill
6. Select Linear fill type and Two Color is selected by default. Select two different colors from "From and To" drop down menu under color blend
corel fountain fill
7. Click ok and observer the result.
corel fountain fill
8. Try rest of the fill types and use different color combinations.

Angle & Edge Pad - Fountain Fill
Angle option affects the direction of the fill. It's not available for Radial though. Edge Pad affects the smooth mixing of two color and continuous gradation.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.
corel fountain fill
2. Click "Fountain Fill Dialog" from Fill Tool. Select "Square" fill type and also select Red color for "From" and Yellow for "To" under color blend. Keep midpoint value 50.
corel fountain fill
3. In the option, change angle to 45.
corel fountain fill
4. You can observe change in the fill. It rotates.
corel fountain fill
6.Try Linear and Conical types with different angle values. Please do not change any other settings.
5. Go back to the first step where we have plain rectangle. Select "Linear" fill type and also select Red color for "From" and Yellow for "To" under color blend. Keep midpoint value 50. Keep default angle value 0.
corel fountain fill
6. In the option, change Edge Pad to 49 (It's a max value).
corel fountain fill
7. You get two distinct colors, Red and Yellow in the fill.
corel fountain fill
8. As you go on decreasing the value, you get smooth gradation. At 0, you get the uniform fill of the two properly blend colors. Please do not change any other settings..

Corel Fill Types
We can create our own patterns in Corel draw. Let us first learn to fill the objects using patterns.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.
corel fill types
2. Click "Pattern Fill Dialog" from Fill Tool. "2-color" pattern type is selected by default.
corel fill types
3. You can select any pattern from drop down and select different colors for Front and Back. Click ok. Please do not change any other settings.
corel fill types
4. We can create full color pattern in Corel DRAW. Let us learn to fill it in the object. Go back to first step. Draw rectangle and keep it selected. Click "Pattern Fill Dialog" from Fill Tool. Select "Full Color" option.
corel fill types
5. You can select any pattern from drop down. This time you won't get any color option to change. Click ok. Please do not change any other settings.
corel fill types
6. Bitmap fill is more smooth looking real design than other two. Go back to first step. Draw rectangle and keep it selected. Click "Pattern Fill Dialog" from Fill Tool. Select "Bitmap" option.
corel fill types
7. You can select any pattern from drop down. This time also you won't get any color option to change. Click ok. Please do not change any other settings.
corel fill types
8. Corel DRAW comes up with the wide range of texture fills useful for
backgrounds and may other purposes. Go back to first step. Draw rectangle and keep it selected. Click "Texture Fill Dialog" from Fill Tool.
corel fill types
9. Select any texture from the texture list. Click ok. The rectangle will be filled with texture. Please do not change any other settings.
corel fill types

Corel Text Fill
We are covering fill in the text. It's not different than filling any other object but filling the text using fountain fill makes great difference with respect to the effects.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Type the text. Use thick font to get better effect.
corel text fill
2. Select Fountain Fill from Fill Tool. You have four options i.e. Linear, Radial, Conical and Square. Select one by one. Change the color and apply the fill to
the text.
corel text fill
3. Remove the outline and check the difference in the result.
corel text fill
4. We have three options in the pattern fill i.e. Two color, Full color and bitmap. Select Pattern Fill from Fill Tool. Try using all the three options.
corel text fill
5. Try to use different colors in two color pattern fill.
corel text fill
6. Remove the outline and check the difference in the result.
corel text fill
7. Realistic fill using texture applies different dimensions to the text. Apply different types of textures. Try to use different colors for outline. Select Texture Fill from Fill Tool.
8. Try using different type of textures. Go for different types from Texture Library.
corel text fill
9. Remove the outline or give different colors to outlines and check the difference in the result.
corel text fill

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