Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Difference Between Cell and Battery

Batteries and cells are an important invention that have made a lot of our everyday tasks and life much easier. They are practically used in most of the portable electronic devices that we use today.

Besides, we can say that we cannot imagine a world without batteries and cells.

When we look at the differences between cell and battery, the biggest distinction would be – a battery typically stores energy whereas a cell generates energy by converting available resources. However, you will find some other differences between the two below.


  • A cell is a single unit device which converts chemical energy into electric energy.
  • Depending on the types of electrolytes used, a cell is either reserve, wet or dry types. Cell also includes  molten salt type.
  • A cell is usually light and compact as it has a single unit.
  • A cell supplies power for a shorter period of time.
  • A cell is used mostly for lighter tasks  which requires less energy. It is used in lamps, clocks, lamp, etc.
  • Cells are usually cheap


  • A battery usually consists of group of cells.
  • A battery is either a primary battery or a secondary battery meaning it is rechargeable or non-chargeable.
  • Battery normally consists of several cells thus giving it a bigger size and is bulky.
  • A battery can supply power long durations.
  • A battery is mostly used for heavy-duty tasks. It is used in inverters, automobiles, inverter, etc.
  • Batteries are much costlier.

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