1: What is an ICU in a hospital?
Ans: an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Critical Care Unit (CCU), Intensive Therapy Unit of Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU), is a highly specialized department of a hospitall that provides intensive-care medicine.
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1: What is an ICU in a hospital?
Ans: an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Critical Care Unit (CCU), Intensive Therapy Unit of Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU), is a highly specialized department of a hospitall that provides intensive-care medicine.
Pollution is an undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substance as a consequence of human activities. Pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. There are different types of pollution and land pollution is one of them.
Patriotism is an asset everyone must own it. A country is incomplete without this feeling. The feeling of patriotism must be taught to every child. The young generations are the future of the nation, they should be aware of our history and the sacrifices made by our great patriots.
Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot, a city in Pakistan in November 1877. He got his education from well-known educational institution. After receiving education he became a lecture in Oriental College. He was not a poet, philosopher and a teacher too.
An industrial exhibition was arranged in March last year. The intention of the organizers was to exhibit industrial products at one place. The trading community and the general public showed keep interest in the products.
The scene of the railway station is always very interesting and exciting for me. Last week I had to go to Multan to see my cousin. I decided to go by train. I reached the railway station and bought ticket.
At full time my school presents a scene of great hustle and bustle. There are about one thousand students in my school. My school is situated in a big city. Full time is the busiest part of the day are called peak hours.
Fashion can be defined as generally dressing sense which is prevailing in their culture. Fashion is different from gender to gender. The old and the young know well the importance of fashions. Everybody wants to be smart and up to date. Women follow fashions blindly.
Yesterday, I went to the market to buy a book. There was a great rush. A vendor was selling fruit. From the other side a young man came on his bicycle. He dashed against the vendor.
Women in Pakistan are almost half of the total population of the country. The / are as important as men in the development and progress of Pakistan. They are doing a lot in this respect.
There are many teachers in my school. They all are good teachers. They teach us well. We like them very much. But my best teacher is Mr. Aslam. He is the Headmaster of our school.
Inflation is an economic term which describes a specific term which the demand for goods and services exceeds the available supply. As a result, prices go up.
Corruption is one of the deadliest evils of the society. Though corruption has developed up too much extent in recent years, but it is not a new phenomenon.
Computer is an electronic device which is used for calculation and many other complicated processes. It is the most wonderful invention of the modern age.
The calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. It is very important to understand that today.