Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Simple Wireframe - III

Wireframe mode used to display the intermediate steps in the blend
though it will not display the colors in it.
1. Open Corel DRAW.
2. Draw two rectangles filled with different colors while you are in the normal Wireframe mode.
corel draw wireframe

Corel Text Basics - II

Working with text in Corel DRAW is really interesting experience because you can edit the text in so many ways.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Text Tool (marked with green circle). The icon is A (Capital A).
corel text basics
2. Click the cursor on the page and type the text. It may be very small so stretch it by pulling its corner point using Pick Tool.
corel text basics
3. Move it anywhere using Pick Tool again.
4. Pull other points using pick Tool, to stretch the text horizontally and vertically.
corel text basics
corel text basics
5. Filling text with color is just a click away. Keep the text selected. Click on any color from the color palette at right hand side. The text is filled with the selected color.
corel text basics
6. If you click on the cross icon in the color palette, there will be no color in the text.
7. You can apply outline to the text in Corel DRAW. Different types of effects can be created using outline. Click the cursor on the page and type the text. Stretch it to bigger size by pulling corner point. Keep it selected. We have removed the color from the text.
corel text basics
8. Now right click on any color in the color palette.
corel text basics
9. This will apply the outline to the text of the same color you have right clicked.
10. If you Right click on the cross icon in the color palette, there will be no outline to the text.
11. Let us try to change outline thickness of the text. It creates astonishing effects. Keep the text selected.
12. Press Outline Tool. In the fly out menu click on 2 point outline (Thin). The outline is thicker than the default. Try different types of available thickness.
corel text basics

Pick Tool - I

Pick Tool is one of the most important tools used in Corel DRAW for selection and for editing of the graphic.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Rectangle Tool from the toolbox (marked with red circle).
corel draw tools
2. Draw rectangle. Once you draw it, it is selected by default.
corel draw tools
3. Now select Pick Tool (marked with green circle).
corel draw tools

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tips for Beginners

If most of you are like me, your photoshop files are a mess. We have layer upon layer with no specific name. Our files are filled with layers called “shape 42″ and “Vector Smart Object 3″. Sure we may know that “layer 47″ is the green fade that overlays our twitter bird but what about those of us that work in a corporate environment where multiple people may work on a single photoshop file? Or what about that photoshop file you worked on for a client 2 years ago and they want that weird little update, are you going to remember what those unnamed layers are? Organization is key!
Here are a couple of tips when trying to organize your photoshop file.

Revealed Photoshop Secrets

1) If you hold down ALT+CTRL+SHIFT (Mac: CMD+OPT+SHIFT) while starting Photoshop you can reset all the Photoshop settings back to factory default. Very usefull if you have problems with some tools or the interface.
2) One of my favorites. ALT+Click on the “eye” icon in the layer’s palette to hide all other layers.
3) Do you have trouble to find the cursor when you work with large canvases?
Simply press the spacebar and you’ll see the hand icon where the cursor is located.
4) When you are applying a “drop shadow” layer effect, try to leave open the dialog box.
You’ll be able to move the shadow with a simple drag and drop.

Photoshop Tool Secrets

1. Quickly Access Related Tools

  1. Hold alt and click on a particular tool’s icon to toggle related tools.

2. The Move Tool

  1. Hold CTRL to access the Move tool at anytime.

18 Useful Photoshop Shortcuts

Simple Photoshop Shortcut Commands

  • H (Hand Tool) — When zoomed in to a portion of your photo, this command brings up the hand tool which allows for quick panning. Also, if the hand tool is active and you hold down the Ctrl key, you can zoom in without changing to the zoom tool. Likewise, if you hold down the Alt key, you can zoom out without changing tools.

Photoshop Secret Shortcuts

It is proven that by using software shortcuts can boost up productivity. Here are 30 secret Photoshop shortcuts that I've learned from years of experience. Well, what I mean by "secret" is that these shortcuts are not documented in the menus. Keep reading and you will find how these shortcuts can speed up your productivity. I bet you don't know all of them.
Note: this article is written in Mac Photoshop format. If you are using PC, Cmd = Ctrl and Opt = Alt.

Working with Palettes

In order to show a palette in your workspace, go to the “Window” menu, then choose the palette you want to display, in this case, the “Swatches” palette.
Palettes (1)
Now, go to the top right of the palette, where a small “menu arrow” is, and click that arrow to open the menu.

Stone Text Effects

This tutorial will explain how to create a stone-like texture using some filters, and a beveled style to place the texture on, in order to create a nice old-looking stone text effect.
The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768

How to Create Symmetrical Abstraction

This Photoshop tutorial explains how to make a very beautiful abstraction. Every time you follow this tutorial results will be completely different but always very beautiful.

Final Image Preview

How to Create Symmetrical Abstraction

Photoshop Tool Basics

A quick summary of Photoshop’s Tools palette with a description of each tool’s functions and shortcuts. Great for those brand new to Photoshop.
I decided to start at the beginning. The very beginning. For those people who just “picked up” a copy of Photoshop and have no idea what to do with it. The keyboard shortcut is in ( ).
Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)
Use this tool to make selections on your image, in a rectangular shape. This changes the area of your image that is affected by other tools or actions to be within the defined shape. Holding the [Shift] key while dragging your selection, restricts the shape to a perfect square. Holding the [Alt] key while dragging sets the center of the rectangle to where your cursor started.

Simple Fireflies Text Effect

In this tutorial, we will be using one of the Photoshop CS5 new painting brushes to create a firefly-like text, and then apply some glow to make it shine!
The Final Result:

3D Textured Text Effect

Preview of Final Results

3D textured text

3D Textured Text Photoshop Tutorial

Friday, May 6, 2011

Table Joins - XVI

Table Joins

All of the queries up until this point have been useful with the exception of one major limitation - that is, you've been selecting from only one table at a time with your SELECT statement. It is time to introduce you to one of the most beneficial features of SQL & relational database systems - the "Join". To put it simply, the "Join" makes relational database systems "relational".
Joins allow you to link data from two or more tables together into a single query result--from one single SELECT statement.
A "Join" can be recognized in a SQL SELECT statement if it has more than one table after the FROM keyword.
For example:

SELECT "list-of-columns"

FROM table1,table2

WHERE "search-condition(s)"
Joins can be explained easier by demonstrating what would happen if you worked with one table only, and didn't have the ability to use "joins". This single table database is also sometimes referred to as a "flat table". Let's say you have a one-table database that is used to keep track of all of your customers and what they purchase from your store:

Everytime a new row is inserted into the table, all columns will be be updated, thus resulting in unnecessary "redundant data". For example, every time Wolfgang Schultz purchases something, the following rows will be inserted into the table:

idfirstlastaddress            citystatezipdateitemprice
10982WolfgangSchultz300 N. 1st AveYumaAZ85002032299snowboard45.00
10982WolfgangSchultz300 N. 1st AveYumaAZ85002082899snow shovel35.00
10982WolfgangSchultz300 N. 1st AveYumaAZ85002091199gloves15.00
10982WolfgangSchultz300 N. 1st AveYumaAZ85002100999lantern35.00
10982WolfgangSchultz300 N. 1st AveYumaAZ85002022900tent85.00
An ideal database would have two tables:
  1. One for keeping track of your customers
  2. And the other to keep track of what they purchase:
"Customer_info" table:

"Purchases" table:

Now, whenever a purchase is made from a repeating customer, the 2nd table, "Purchases" only needs to be updated! We've just eliminated useless redundant data, that is, we've just normalized this database!
Notice how each of the tables have a common "cusomer_number" column. This column, which contains the unique customer number will be used to JOIN the two tables. Using the two new tables, let's say you would like to select the customer's name, and items they've purchased. Here is an example of a join statement to accomplish this:

SELECT customer_info.firstname, customer_info.lastname, purchases.item

FROM customer_info, purchases

WHERE customer_info.customer_number = purchases.customer_number;
This particular "Join" is known as an "Inner Join" or "Equijoin". This is the most common type of "Join" that you will see or use.
Notice that each of the colums are always preceeded with the table name and a period. This isn't always required, however, it IS good practice so that you wont confuse which colums go with what tables. It is required if the name column names are the same between the two tables. I recommend preceeding all of your columns with the table names when using joins.
Note: The syntax described above will work with most Database Systems -including the one with this tutorial. However, in the event that this doesn't work with yours, please check your specific database documentation.
Although the above will probably work, here is the ANSI SQL-92 syntax specification for an Inner Join using the preceding statement above that you might want to try:

SELECT customer_info.firstname, customer_info.lastname, purchases.item

FROM customer_info INNER JOIN purchases

ON customer_info.customer_number = purchases.customer_number;
Another example:

SELECT employee_info.employeeid, employee_info.lastname, employee_sales.comission

FROM employee_info, employee_sales

WHERE employee_info.employeeid = employee_sales.employeeid;
This statement will select the employeeid, lastname (from the employee_info table), and the comission value (from the employee_sales table) for all of the rows where the employeeid in the employee_info table matches the employeeid in the employee_sales table.