Enter Text
To enter text:
To enter text:
- Select the slide where you want the text
- Click in a Textbox to add text
To add a text box:
- Select the slide where you want to place the text box
- On the Insert tab, click Text Box
- Click on the slide and drag the cursor to expand the text box
- Type in the text
Select Text
To select the text:
To select the text:
- Highlight the text
Copy and Paste
To copy and paste data:
To copy and paste data:
- Select the item(s) that you wish to copy
- On the Clipboard Group of the Home Tab, click Copy
- Select the item(s) where you would like to copy the data
- On the Clipboard Group of the Home Tab, click Paste
Cut and Paste
To cut and paste data:
To cut and paste data:
- Select the item(s) that you wish to copy
- On the Clipboard Group of the Home Tab, click Cut
- Select the items(s) where you would like to copy the data
- On the Clipboard Group of the Home Tab, click Paste
Undo and Redo
To undo or redo your most recent actions:
To undo or redo your most recent actions:
- On the Quick Access Toolbar
- Click Undo or Redo
Spell Check
To check the spelling in a presentation:
To check the spelling in a presentation:
- Click the Review tab
- Click the Spelling button