Friday, June 3, 2022

How can We Save Our Environment?

“Save Environment” is a slogan that has developed to represents several acts aimed at preserving the purity of our environment. Our environment suffers from several risk factors. Some of the steps that can lead to a better and safe environment are discussed in the following paragraphs.

At first, control electricity consumption,

most of the powers we consume are not from renewable energy sources. While the world would be better served by renewable energy sources, it would be prudent to control electricity consumption in the meantime. To do this, we must curb wastage.

Next is, paper reduction, the paper we use comes from trees. These trees are cut down from their natural habitat leaving our environment exposed to the risk of global warming. To save our environment, we should embrace digital tools at our disposal and use less of paper.

Lastly, reuse, most of the materials we use in our daily lives are not actual waste. They can be recycled and subsequently used for something else. Thus, when we use things such as plastic, elastic, metal and more, we should not simply throw those things away. With the right machinery and foresight, they can be turned to materials that translate into a safe environment.

To conclude, living in a safe environment goes beyond the actions mentioned above. However, if we stay conscious of our environment and do not relent in taking steps that are pro-environment we would make our world a better place.

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