Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pick Tool - I

Pick Tool is one of the most important tools used in Corel DRAW for selection and for editing of the graphic.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Rectangle Tool from the toolbox (marked with red circle).
corel draw tools
2. Draw rectangle. Once you draw it, it is selected by default.
corel draw tools
3. Now select Pick Tool (marked with green circle).
corel draw tools

4. Click anywhere outside the rectangle. It will get deselected.
corel draw tools
5. Click on the like of the rectangle. It will get selected.
corel draw tools
6. Keep the pick tool within rectangle it will change the cursor into move icon (marked with green circle).
corel draw tools
7. Press and drag the mouse button to move the rectangle


1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected. If deselected by mistake, select it using pick tool
corel pick tool rotate
2. Click it once again on the rectangle. Observe the difference carefully. Basic selection points are turned into arrows (marked with green circle).
corel pick tool rotate
3. Let us work on the corner points. Place the cursor on any corner point. The cursor is changed from pointer into circular arrow that represents rotation movement (drawn separately and marked with green circle).
corel pick tool rotate
4. Press on any corner point and rotate. Rectangle rotates around its center.
corel pick tool rotate
5. Drag the center outside the circle using pick tool (marked with green circle).
corel pick tool rotate
6. Press on any corner point again and rotate. Rectangle rotates around its newly positioned center.
corel pick tool rotate

1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected. If deselected by mistake, select it using pick tool.
corel draw skew
2. Click it once again on the rectangle. Observe the difference carefully. Basic selection points are turned into arrows. This time, we will work with the middle points. You will find straight arrow points in the middle of the four lines of the rectangle (marked with green circle).
corel draw skew
3. Place the cursor on the middle point of the top horizontal line. The cursor is changed from pointer into double straight line arrows with opposite left right direction. That represents Skew movement (separately drawn and marked with red circle).
corel draw skew
4. Press and drag to the left or right. Rectangle gets skewed in a horizontal direction.
corel draw skew
5. Go back to normal rectangle using Edit > Undo
6. Place the cursor on the middle point of the left or the right vertical line. Press and drag to the up or down. Rectangle gets skewed in a vertical direction.
corel draw skew

1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected. Select Pick Tool. The rectangle will have total eight points, four points at the four corners and four in the middle of the four sides.
corel draw resize
2. Place the cursor on any corner point. Pointer changes into the cursor showing the direction at which the rectangle will be resized.
corel draw resize
3. Drag the cursor outside, it will increase the size of the rectangle proportionally (blue rectangle). Drag the cursor inside, it will decrease the size of the rectangle proportionally (red rectangle).
corel draw resize
4. Similarly you can drag the middle points on the horizontal lines.
corel draw resize
5. Also drag the middle points on the vertical lines.
corel draw resize

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