Sunday, February 7, 2021

Self Esteem and Confidence for Children

Self-esteem can be defined as how children feel about themselves. Children's levels of self-esteem are evident in their behavior and attitudes. If children feel good about themselves, these good feelings will be reflected in how they relate to friends, teachers, siblings, parents, and others.

Self-esteem is something that affects individuals throughout life. Therefore, it is very important for parents to help their children develop healthy levels of self-esteem. There are many things parents can do to help their children learn that they are lovable, capable, and competent, beginning when their children are at a very young age. Unfortunately, it is also at a very young age that children can begin to develop low self-esteem. Parents must be very careful not to plant the seeds of low self-esteem in their children unknowingly. Children learn their first lessons about self-esteem from their parents.

Children thrive on praise. Praise must be specific and sincere to have a positive effect. It's not necessary for parents, teachers, or peers to wait until their children do something exceptional to provide praise. Praising an everyday event like getting ready for school on time is enough. What's important is that people should focus on the positive things their children do instead of on the negatives. Children need to be shown love and affection through both words and physical actions. Parents should tell their children often that they love them and think they're special. Some parents call their children names and/or belittle them when they are angry. Teachers send children to the principal’s office and their friends either fight children or ignore them. Such methods can have a negative effect on children's self-esteem. Not only that but media too can have a negative effect on a children’s self-esteem. Parents better hope that their children are expose to people who will boost his/her self-esteem.

“Self-confidence comes from having sense of  belonging, knowing that we are capable and knowing your contribution are valued and worthwhile.”  As any parents knows that Self-confidence is last very short time. Sometime we feel good about  and we don’t. Your goal as parents is to ensure that your child develop pride and Self-respect in himself as well as faith in his ability to handle life’s challenges.

Self-esteem is also improved when a child tries to face straight forward a problem rather than just avoid it. If coping rather than avoidance shows that the child faces the problem honestly, non-defensively and realistically. This situation produces a favorable evaluation about the self and as a results it creates a self-generated approval of its self which leads to self-esteem raise. 

A good relationship between our self-image is one of the most important conditions in order to achieve a state of personal happiness and satisfaction in our lives. Self-esteem is important because it is an essential building bloch in character development. Self-esteem impacts confidence, attitude, skills learned , decision making and personality. Another words self-esteem plays a key role in hor we are going to be as adults, so it is very important that we foster high self-esteem in the younger generation.

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