Monday, April 25, 2011

SQL Server - Query Designer VII

In the previous lesson, we created a SQL script using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). In this lesson, we will look at how to write SQL scripts using the graphical query designer.

About The Query Designer

The graphical query designer is a graphical user interface that allows you to build queries to run against your SQL Server database. This can be particularly useful when building complex queries that involves many tables, views etc.
The query designer can also be beneficial for those who are learning how to write SQL. This is because you don't need to remember the SQL syntax in order to write queries against your database - the query designer generates the SQL for you.

SQL Server - Views VIII

In SQL Server, a view is a pre-written query that is stored on the database. A view consists of a SELECT statement, and when you run the view, you see the results of it like you would when opening a table. Some people like to think of a view as a virtual table. This is because a view can pull together data from multiple tables, as well as aggregate data, and present it as though it is a single table.

Benefits of Views

A view can be useful when there are multiple users with different levels of access, who all need to see portions of the data in the database (but not necessarily all of the data). Views can do the following:

SQL Server - Stored Procedures - IX

Stored procedures are a powerful part of SQL Server. They can assist programmers and administrators greatly in working with the database configuration and its data.
A stored procedure is a precompiled group of Transact-SQL statements, and is saved to the database (under the "Stored Procedures" node). Programmers and administrators can execute stored procedures either from the SQL Server Management Studio or from within an application as required.
Transact-SQL, which is based on SQL (Structured Query Language), is the programming language used to interface between applications and their databases. Transact-SQL is a relatively easy language to learn and I highly recommend becoming familiar with it.

Benefits of Stored Procedures

Here are some key benefits in using stored procedures:

Friday, April 22, 2011

SQL Server - Adding Data - VI

In the previous lesson, we created a new table in our database. We now have a database table, columns and all, but with no data.

Editing Table Rows

We can use the "Edit Top 200 Rows" option to add data to our table.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

SQL Server - Create a Table - V

This lesson demonstrates how to create a table in a SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Monday, April 18, 2011

SQL Server - Create a Database - IV

One of the first things we should look at with SQL Server/Management Studio is how to create a database. After all, most of the tasks you perform with SQL Server will evolve around one or more databases.

System Databases

If you've only just installed SQL Server, you might notice that some databases have already been created. These are system databases.

Friday, April 15, 2011

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - III

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the main administration console for SQL Server.
SSMS enables you to create database objects (such as databases, tables, views etc), view the data within your database, you can configure user accounts, transfer data between databases, and more.
Here's what SQL Server Management Studio looks like when you first open it up:

SQL Server Editions - II

SQL Server 2008 comes in many different editions. The edition you choose will depend on your requirements. If you are looking for a free database management system, you will need to choose one of the Express editions or the Compact edition. You could also try the Evaluation edition, which allows you to trial SQL Server 2008 for 180 days.

The Editions
Here are the different editions available for SQL Server 2008.

About SQL Server - I

Microsoft SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) designed to run on platforms ranging from laptops to large multiprocessor servers. SQL Server is commonly used as the backend system for websites and corporate CRMs and can support thousands of concurrent users.

SQL Server comes with a number of tools to help you with your database administration and programming tasks.

SQL Server is much more robust and scalable than a desktop database management system such as Microsoft Access. Anyone who has ever tried using Access as a backend to a website will probably be familiar with the errors that were generated when too many users tried to access the database!

Although SQL Server can also be run as a desktop database system, it is most commonly used as a server database system.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What are the Function Keys: F1 - F12 keys

Commonly known as "function keys", F1 through F12 may have a variety of different uses or no use at all. Depending on the installed operating system and the software program currently open will change how each of these keys operate. A program is capable of not only using each of the function keys, but also combining the function keys with the ALT and/or CTRL keys, for example, Microsoft Windows users can press ALT F4 to close the program currently active. 

Below is a short-listing of some of the common functions of the functions keys on computers running Microsoft Windows. As mentioned above not all programs support function keys and/or may perform different tasks then those mentioned below.

Inpage Shortcut Keys



Ctrl + N

To Create a New File

Ctrl + O

To Open a File

Ctrl + S

To Save a File

Ctrl + Alt + S

To Save As… a File

Ctrl + Y

To Import Text/Picture

Ctrl + Alt + Y

To Export Text/Picture

Ctrl + P

Print a File

Ctrl + F4

Close the File

Alt + F4

Exit / Close Program

Ctrl + X

Cut Selected Item(s)

Ctrl + C

Copy Selected Item(s)

Ctrl + V

Paste Selected Item(s)

Ctrl + Z

Undo / Redo Last Action

Ctrl + F

Find Text

Ctrl + R

Replace Text


Story Editor


Typographic Preferences

Alt + F11

Application Preferences

Ctrl + F11

Document Preferences


Zoom - Fit to Window


Zoom – 50%


Zoom – 100% (Original)


Zoom – 200%


Snap to Guides

Double-Click On Rulers

Format Guides

Alt + Insert

Insert New Page

Alt + Delete

Delete Page(s)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Insert Index Entry

Ctrl + Alt + O

Insert Table of Contents

Ctrl + Alt + G

Group Objects

Ctrl + Alt + U

Ungroup Objects


Go to Font Window (Ribbon)

Alt + F12

Go to Page Window (Page)

Ctrl + F12

Go to Zoom Window (View)

Double Click

To Select Word

Triple Click

To Select Paragraph

Ctrl + A

Select All

Drag Drop File

Open File from File Manager

Drag Drop Picture

Insert Picture from File Manager

Ctrl + B

Bold Selected Text

Ctrl + I

Italics Selected Text

Ctrl + Alt + L

Left Alignment

Ctrl + Alt + R

Right Alignment

Ctrl + Alt + C

Center Alignment

Ctrl + Alt + J


Ctrl + Alt + F

Full Justified

Ctrl + Alt + T

Toggle Text and Tab Modes

Ctrl + T

Define Style Sheets

Ctrl + H

Character Format

Ctrl + G

Paragraph Format

Ctrl + Shift + F5

Increase Line Leading Space

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Decrease Line Leading Space

Ctrl + F5

Increase Character Spacing

Ctrl + F6

Decrease Character Spacing

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Increase Character Scaling

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Decrease Character Scaling

Ctrl + F7

Baseline Shift Up

Ctrl + F8

Baseline Shift Down

Ctrl + F9

Decrease Font Size

Ctrl + F10

Increase Font Size

Alt + Page Down

Go to Next Page

Alt + Home

Go to First Page

Alt + End

Go to Last Page

Alt + Up Arrow

Top of Previous Textbox

Alt + Down Arrow

Top of Next Textbox

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Top of Paragraph

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Top of Next Paragraph

Page Up

Scroll Page Up

Page Down

Scroll Page Down

Alt + Enter

Toggle Master/Document pages

Ctrl + Space

Toggle Eng/Urdu Keyboard


How to Control Your Mouse Cursor Using the Keyboard

Most of Windows 7's accessibility options are, at best, of dubious usefulness to the average PC user. And that's fine, as they're generally designed for people with special needs, and can be easily deactivated. There's one accessibility option, however, that can be a big help to anyone: Mouse Keys.
If the name didn't tip you off, Mouse Keys is an accessibility option that allows you to control the mouse cursor using your keyboard. This can be useful in two ways. First, there's an obvious utility to Mouse Keys if your mouse ever breaks, or if you have to disconnect it for any reason. Second, Mouse Keys is very precise—a single press of a key moves the cursor by one pixel, making it useful for any application that requires ultra-high precision, like Photoshop.

21 Desktop Shortcut Keys To Ever Use

  • Windows key + E = Explorer
  • Windows key + Break = System properties
  • Windows key + F = Search
  • Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
  • Windows key + R = Run command pop-ups
  • ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
  • ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
  • CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
  • CTRL + C = Copy
  • CTRL + X = Cut
  • CTRL + V = Paste
  • CTRL + Z   = Undo an action
  • CTRL + Y  = Redo an action
  • CTRL + A  =Select all items in a document or window
  • F1 = Display Help
  • F2 = Rename the selected item
  • F3 = Search for a file or folder
  • F4 = Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer
  • F5 = Refresh the active window
  • F6 = Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
  • F10 = Activate the menu bar in the active program
These commands are very useful to day to day life, keep using and then you'll automatically remember when you want