Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces

Applying texture to a flat surface, or flatly applying a texture across a whole image (as a means to age it or degrade it) is simple stuff. Realistically applying a texture to an uneven surface is much more hands-on (more so than simply overlaying a texture and changing the Blending mode).

Step 1

Job number one, as ever, is pooling your assets together.

Step 2

Cut out the face using the Pen tool (set to Paths not Shape Layers). Cut and paste it into your blank canvas (1562 pixels by 1172 pixels at 300dpi). Open up the bark image, and import it into your working document. Resize and rotate the document as in the screengrab.

Step 3

Use the Clone Stamp tool to fill in the rest of the texture. Avoid easily recognizable repetitions in the texture like the ones circled. Clone them out. I used a 200 pixel, soft-edged brush to do this

Step 4

Turn the visibility of the “Bark” layer off (clicking the eye icon next to the layer thumbnail will do this). Go to the Channels palette, select the channel with the best contrast, and duplicate this channel into a new document.

Step 5

Apply a 2 pixel Gaussian Blur to your new document and then adjust the Levels as in the screengrab below. Save as “Displace.psd.”

Step 6

Reselect the “RGB” channel (so all channels are selected and the image is now back in color) and return to the Layers palette. Make the “Bark” layer visible and select it. Go to Filter > Distort > Displace. Set the Horizontal and Vertical scale to 1 (or try other values), select Stretch To Fit and Repeat Edge Pixels. Set the Layer Blending Mode to Multiply. You can see how it’s distorted over parts of the face.
It hasn’t quite put it in the right place so move the “Bark” down the face until the distortions match the face. Use this wrinkle (circled) as a guide as to where to put it.

Step 7

Duplicate the “Bark” layer twice. Set one to Multiply with an Opacity of 100%. Set the other to Normal at 40% Opacity. Position in the Layer hierarchy as in the image below.

Step 8

Command-click on the “Face” Layer to create a selection. Select the “Bark Normal 40% Layer” and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal selection. Repeat this for the “Bark Multiply” Layer. Zoom into 300% and use the Pen tool to draw around the eyes and the mouth. Add a rough edge to the top of the mouth. Press Commmand-click on the Path thumbnail to create a selection.

Step 9

Select the “Bark Normal 40%” Layer Mask thumbnail to work directly on the Mask. Select black as the background color and then delete the selection from the Layer Mask. Repeat this process for the “Bark Multiply” Layer.

Step 10

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves and set up as shown below. Then fill the Adjustment Layer Mask with black so the effects aren’t visible.

Step 11

Turn off the visibility of the “Bark” Layers and use the Pen tool to draw a paths around the hard edges we need to mask. The bottom of the nose and cheek lines are good examples. Command-click on the Path thumbnail to create a selection from it.

Step 12

Select a soft-edged (0% Hardness) brush, loaded with white (as the foreground color) and set to 16% Opacity. Paint directly on the Layer Mask. Press Command + H to hide selection the, if it helps. Draw over several times, applying more at the shadow source and less as you get further from the harsher shadows.

Step 13

Draw around other features which produce hard lines such as the bottom lip. Draw the Shadows in the same manner.

Step 14

Create a selection from the “Face” layer by Command-clicking the layer thumbnail. Draw all the shadows in…

Step 15

…Changing the Brush size to suit size of the area you’re treating. Around the lip for example, use a small brush.

Step 16

Turn the “Bark” layers off to see the key areas of shadow. You can still work on the Mask with the face showing. I flick between working with the “Bark” visible and invisible.

Step 17

In order to soften or erase any shadows that you’re not happy with, change the brush color to black and draw on the mask in the same way as before. Keep working on the Mask until you get it right.

Step 18

Whilst drawing on the Mask, you should be changing your brush size and the opacity to suit the shadow. For a big gradual shadow you’ll want around a 300 pixel brush set to 16% Opacity, all the way down to 18 pixels and increasing the opacity to suit. Finally, apply a 0.6 pixel Gaussian Blur to the Adjustment Curve Layer Mask to soften the hard edges.

Step 19

Duplicate the “Bark” Layer that sits beneath the “Face” Layer. Set them up so they are the same as the top Bark layers, one Normal at 40% opacity, one Multiply at 100%. Then under those two layers create a new layer and fill it with C=61%, M=66%, Y=66%, and K=62%.

Step 20

Create a selection from the “Face” Layer (Command-click the Layer thumbnail) and go to Select > Inverse. Then go to Select > Modify > Expand. Give it a 1 pixel expansion. Select the Curves Adjustment Layer Mask and Fill the selection with 20% black.

Step 21

Create a selection from the Eyes/Mouth Path you made earlier. Add some shadows by drawing on the Curves Adjustment Layer Mask.

Step 22

To further fuse the elements together, and to grade the image, add a Curves and a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer to the top of the Layers hierarchy.

Step 23

Flatten the image and go to Filter > Liquify. Select the Bloat tool and set up roughly how it is in the image below. We want to add a 3D quality to the areas such as cheeks, nose, and forehead. Select an appropriate Brush size for each of these areas and click on each a few times rather than dragging the brush around.


You can always add some real world effects such as leaves and bugs to the final image – go nuts. This technique works for applying any texture to any surface, for example you could make a brand new Mercedes SLK rusty and riveted, or make a house out of skin. Go have fun whilst you perfect your craft. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Soft Glow Effects

This will be a short and simple tutorial for photo edit. This is best for those who like photo with glow effect or a little fantasy effects. Well, check this out.

Step 1

Open the image, CTRL + J to duplicate the image and rename asglow.

Step 2

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > 3pxPress “D” to reset the color mode to default (black foreground and white background). Go to Filter > Distort > Diffuse Glow and set the Glow and Clear amount to 18. Graininess to 0. Set the layer opacity to 60%.

Step 3

CTRL + E to merge both layers. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask. Set as below. Repeat 2-3 times to get the best effect by pressing CTRL + F.

Step 4

Create a new layer and rename as light. Grab the Polygonal Lasso Tool and make a selection as below. WithRadial Gradient set foreground color to white. Drag it from top to bottom as shown. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > 60.

Step 5

Reduce the layer opacity to 50%. Well, it is done! Hope you enjoy this.
Here is another example:

Working with Colors - VIII

Let us learn the details about the basics of fill in Corel DRAW.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.
corel draw fill
2. Click on any color from the color palette at right hand side. The object is filled with color. We have increased the thickness of the outline to see the difference in the colors prominently.
corel draw fill

Guidelines & Outlines - VII

As we have seen that now Corel draw treats the guideline like a normal object that can be selected, deleted even can be rotated. While working in Corel draw sometimes its advisable to lock the guideline so that it will not move while working with the objects. You can select and lock or unlock the guidelines.
1. Open Corel DRAW.
2. Drag the few horizontal and vertical guidelines using pick tool.
3. Using Pick Tool, select any guideline.
4. Go to Arrange > Lock Object
corel draw guidelines

Group & Ungroup - VI

Let us learn to ungroup the group.
1. Open Corel Draw.
2. Using Rectangle and Ellipse tool, draw rectangle and ellipse. Fill it with different colors.
corel draw ungroup
3. Select both, the rectangle and ellipse using pick tool.
4. Go to Arrange > Group
5. If you select any object using pick tool, the group will get selected. Keep the group selected.
corel draw ungroup
6. Let us Ungroup this Group.
7. Go to Arrange > Ungroup
8. Deselect by clicking the pick tool outside the objects.
9. Try to select any one object using pick tool.
corel draw ungroup
10. You will observe that now you can select single object as they are ungrouped.
Check out Group lesson carefully before proceeding further. We need to create two groups and group them again into one. With Ungroup All command you ungroup everything that is grouped.
11. Group the previous rectangle and ellipse again.
12. Follow the same procedure and create another group. Just fill the objects with different colors.
corel draw ungroup
13. Select both the groups using Pick tool.
14. Go to Arrange > Group
15. Now we have a group which is made up of two different groups.
corel draw ungroup
16. Keep this group selected.
17. Go to Arrange > Ungroup
18. With this, the two groups are ungrouped. You still have two different groups that have two objects grouped within.
corel draw ungroup
19. Go to Edit > Undo to group the both groups again.
20. We are back to the final group step. We again have the group that has two groups within.
21. Go to Arrange > Ungroup All
22. Deselect by clicking the pick tool outside the objects.
23. All four objects are separate. There is no group remained. Try to select any one object using pick tool. You will observe that now you can select each single object as they are ungrouped.
corel draw ungroup

Zoom & Fit in Window - V

This command is useful to get the view of all the objects scattered on the page or outside the page at once.
1. Open Corel Draw.
2. Select Rectangle tool and draw 3 – 4 rectangles. Fill it with any colors and scatter them on the page and even away from the page.
3. Select Ellipse tool and draw the circle within the page area and fill it with any color.
corel draw zoom all

Behind/In Front Of - IV

Concept: The lesson is designed using CorelDRAW, the world fame vector program used by artists, illustrators and designers. CorelDRAW is a very user friendly software and you can learn fast for the basic level. Try to explore more commands using these lessons as guideline. CorelDRAW has best of the drawing and editing facilities with the astonishing range of effects. Please try to go further than these tips and tricks by drawing your own shapes and applying effects with different options.
If you want to shift the selected object behind particular object, Corel draw provides the command called "Behind" in the order menu. Similarly, if you want to shift the selected object in front of particular object, Corel draw provides the command called "In Front Of" in the order menu.
1. Open Corel DRAW.
2. Draw rectangle using rectangle tool and fill it will red color. Draw another rectangle, which will overlap the part of the first rectangle and fill this rectangle with green color.
3. Draw third rectangle in such a way that will occupy some space of the both red and green rectangle. Fill this rectangle with blue color.
4. Draw fourth rectangle that will occupy some space of the last three rectangles and fill it with yellow color. Keep yellow rectangle selected.
corel draw order
5. Go to Arrange > Order > Behind
6. The cursor changes to thick black arrow.
corel draw order
7. Suppose you want to place the yellow rectangle behind green. You will click the arrow on the green rectangle.
corel draw order
8. The yellow rectangle is shifted behind the green rectangle.
corel draw order
9. You can draw few more shapes and try this command.
10. Now select the red rectangle, which is at the back of all the rectangles.
corel draw order
11. Go to Arrange > Order > In Front Of
12. The cursor changes to thick black arrow.
13. Suppose you want to place the red rectangle in front of Blue. You will click the arrow on blue rectangle.
14. The red rectangle is shifted in front of the blue rectangle.
corel draw order
15. You can draw few more shapes and try this command.

Simple Wireframe - III

Wireframe mode used to display the intermediate steps in the blend
though it will not display the colors in it.
1. Open Corel DRAW.
2. Draw two rectangles filled with different colors while you are in the normal Wireframe mode.
corel draw wireframe

Corel Text Basics - II

Working with text in Corel DRAW is really interesting experience because you can edit the text in so many ways.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Text Tool (marked with green circle). The icon is A (Capital A).
corel text basics
2. Click the cursor on the page and type the text. It may be very small so stretch it by pulling its corner point using Pick Tool.
corel text basics
3. Move it anywhere using Pick Tool again.
4. Pull other points using pick Tool, to stretch the text horizontally and vertically.
corel text basics
corel text basics
5. Filling text with color is just a click away. Keep the text selected. Click on any color from the color palette at right hand side. The text is filled with the selected color.
corel text basics
6. If you click on the cross icon in the color palette, there will be no color in the text.
7. You can apply outline to the text in Corel DRAW. Different types of effects can be created using outline. Click the cursor on the page and type the text. Stretch it to bigger size by pulling corner point. Keep it selected. We have removed the color from the text.
corel text basics
8. Now right click on any color in the color palette.
corel text basics
9. This will apply the outline to the text of the same color you have right clicked.
10. If you Right click on the cross icon in the color palette, there will be no outline to the text.
11. Let us try to change outline thickness of the text. It creates astonishing effects. Keep the text selected.
12. Press Outline Tool. In the fly out menu click on 2 point outline (Thin). The outline is thicker than the default. Try different types of available thickness.
corel text basics

Pick Tool - I

Pick Tool is one of the most important tools used in Corel DRAW for selection and for editing of the graphic.
1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Rectangle Tool from the toolbox (marked with red circle).
corel draw tools
2. Draw rectangle. Once you draw it, it is selected by default.
corel draw tools
3. Now select Pick Tool (marked with green circle).
corel draw tools

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tips for Beginners

If most of you are like me, your photoshop files are a mess. We have layer upon layer with no specific name. Our files are filled with layers called “shape 42″ and “Vector Smart Object 3″. Sure we may know that “layer 47″ is the green fade that overlays our twitter bird but what about those of us that work in a corporate environment where multiple people may work on a single photoshop file? Or what about that photoshop file you worked on for a client 2 years ago and they want that weird little update, are you going to remember what those unnamed layers are? Organization is key!
Here are a couple of tips when trying to organize your photoshop file.

Revealed Photoshop Secrets

1) If you hold down ALT+CTRL+SHIFT (Mac: CMD+OPT+SHIFT) while starting Photoshop you can reset all the Photoshop settings back to factory default. Very usefull if you have problems with some tools or the interface.
2) One of my favorites. ALT+Click on the “eye” icon in the layer’s palette to hide all other layers.
3) Do you have trouble to find the cursor when you work with large canvases?
Simply press the spacebar and you’ll see the hand icon where the cursor is located.
4) When you are applying a “drop shadow” layer effect, try to leave open the dialog box.
You’ll be able to move the shadow with a simple drag and drop.

Photoshop Tool Secrets

1. Quickly Access Related Tools

  1. Hold alt and click on a particular tool’s icon to toggle related tools.

2. The Move Tool

  1. Hold CTRL to access the Move tool at anytime.

18 Useful Photoshop Shortcuts

Simple Photoshop Shortcut Commands

  • H (Hand Tool) — When zoomed in to a portion of your photo, this command brings up the hand tool which allows for quick panning. Also, if the hand tool is active and you hold down the Ctrl key, you can zoom in without changing to the zoom tool. Likewise, if you hold down the Alt key, you can zoom out without changing tools.