Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Keys - VII

Primary Key
The primary key is a unique identifier for a record.  The primary key cannot be the same for two records.  This field can never be blank.
Primary Key
Composite Key
A composite key is a primary key that is comprised of two or more fields.  It can also be called a compound or concatenated key. 
Foreign Key
A foreign key is a field or combination of fields that are related to the primary key of another table.

Manage Tables - VI

Delete a Table
To delete a table:
  • Open the desired database by clicking the Microsoft Office Button and clicking Open
  • Right click on a table and choose Delete
Delete a Table
Rename a Table
To rename a table:
  • Open the desired database by clicking the Microsoft Office Button and clicking Open
  • Right click on a table and choose Rename
  • Type in the new name
Rename Table
Add a Description to a Table
To add a description to a table
  • Open the desired database by clicking the Microsoft Office Button and clicking Open
  • Right click on a table and choose Table Properties
  • Click the Description text box
  • Type in the description
Table Properties
Table Description Dialog Box 

Create a Table - V

Table Views
There are two ways to view a table in Access to add data to the table:  Design View and Datasheet View
In Design View you can view all the fields with the data types and descriptions.  The records of information that has been added to the database is not viewable. 
Table Design View
To go to Design View:
  • Click the down arrow on the View button
  • Click Design View
Views Drop Down
In Datasheet View you can display the records in a table, where one row is one record.  The column headers are the fields you have defined for the database. 
Table Datasheet View
To go to Datasheet View:
  • Click the down arrow on the View button
  • Click Datasheet View
Views Drop Down
Adding  New Fields
There are many ways to enter new fields into a database.  New fields can be added in the Datasheet View or in the Design View.
There are two ways to add a new field in Datasheet View:  Add A New Field or the New Field Button. 
To add a New Field within the Datasheet:
  • Click the Add New Field column
Add A New Field Column
To add a new field by using the New Field Button
  • Click the Datasheet tab on the Ribbon
  • Click the New Field Button
  • Choose the type of field you wish to add from the Field Templates window
Add a New Field Button
To add a new field in Design View:
  • Click the Design View button
  • Click on the next available field
  • Type in the Name of the field
Add a New Field in Design View
Data Types
There are many types a data that a field can be predefined to hold.  When you create a new field in a database you should closely match the data type to what will be entered into the field.
Text, number, or a combination up to 255 characters
Similar to the text field, can contain text, numbers, or a combination up to 2 GB of data.
Numbers up to 16 bytes of data
Date and Time information
Currency up to 8 bytes and precise to 4 decimal places
Access creates a unique number for each new record.  This is often the primary key for the table
Yes and No, stored as -1 for yes and 0 for no
OLE Object
Images, documents, graphs up to 2 GB
Web addresses
Attachments such as images, spreadsheets, documents, and charts.

Editing Data Types in Fields
When creating tables, you should define the data types of the tables to most closely match the type of data that will be entered in the field.
To edit the Data Type in Datasheet View:
  • Click the field you wish to define
  • Click the Datasheet tab on the Ribbon
  • Click the down arrow next to Data Type
  • Choose the type of data that will be entered into the field
Data Type Drop Down
To edit the format of the data:
  • Click the field you wish to define
  • Click the Datasheet tab on the Ribbon
  • Click the down arrow next to Format
Data Format Drop Down
To edit the Data Type in the Design View:
  • Click Design View
  • Click the field name you wish to define or create a new field
  • Click the Data Type
  • Choose the appropriate Data Type
  • Format the field in the Field Properties Dialog box
Data Type Design View

Create a New Database - IV

You can create a new database from scratch or you can create a database from the database wizard.
New Database
To create a new database from scratch:
  • Click the Microsoft  Office Button
  • Click New
  • Click the New Blank Database icon
New Blank Database
  • Type in a name for the database
  • Click Create
Name Database
Database Templates
To create a new database from the database templates:
  • Click the Microsoft Office Button
  • Click New
  • Choose the type of database you wish to create
  • Type in the name for the database
  • Click Create
Name Database

Database Terms - III

« Cutomize AccessDatabase TermsCreate a New Database »
A table is a collection of information arranged in rows and columns.  Information about an item is displayed in a row.  Columns contain the same type of information for each item.  The table has a header row that tells you what data is contained in the columns.
Table Picture
To view data in a table:
  • Click the arrow to open the navigation pane
  • Double-click on the table name to open the table
Navigation Pane
Queries select records from one or more tables in a database so they can be viewed, analyzed, and sorted on a common datasheet. A query can also perform calculations and display the results.  The resulting collection of records, called a dynaset (short for dynamic subset), is saved as a database object and can therefore be easily used in the future. The query will be updated whenever the original tables are updated. Types of queries are select queries that extract data from tables based on specified values, find duplicatequeries that display records with duplicate values for one or more of the specified fields, and find unmatched queries display records from one table that do not have corresponding values in a second table.
To run a query:
  • Click the arrow to open the navigation pane
  • Double-click on the query name
A recordset is a table that displays groups of records from a base table or as a query result. 
A form is a graphical interface that is used to display and edit data.  Forms can be developed from a table or a query.  Forms can include calculations, graphics and objects.
To view data using a form:
  • Click the arrow to open the navigation pane
  • Double-click on the form name
Form Page
A report is an output of data arranged in the order you specify.  Reports can perform calculations and display the results.  Reports can be used to print data.
To view data using a form:
  • Click the arrow to open the navigation pane
  • Double-click on the report name

Customize Access - II

Access 2007 offers a wide range of customizable options that allow you to make Access work the best for you.  To access these customizable options:
  • Click the Office Button
  • Click Access Options
Access Options
These features allow you to personalize your work environment with the use of ScreenTips, the location and file format of the databases, and the username.
Popular Menu
Current Database
This feature allows you to set options for the Application, Navigation, Ribbon and Toolbars, AutoCorrect, and Filters.
Current Database
This features allows you to personalize options in the way the datasheet looks, including default colors, gridlines and cell effect, and font.
Datasheet Menu
Object Designers
This feature allows you to customize the options for creating and modifying database objects in Access including Table Design, Query Design, Forms/Reports, and Error Checking.
Object Designers
This features allows you to change how Access automatically correct and formats the contents of the database and how it indicates errors.
This feature allows for advanced customization of Access including, Editing, Display, Printing, and other advanced options.
Advanced Menu
Customize allows you to add features to the Quick Access Toolbar.  If there are tools that you are utilizing frequently, you may want to add these to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Customize Menu

Getting Started - I

Microsoft Office Button
The Microsoft Office Button performs many of the functions that were located in the File menu of older versions of Access.  This button allows you to create a new database, open an existing database, save and save as, print, send, or close.
Office Button
The Ribbon
The ribbon is the panel at the top portion of the document   It has four tabs:  Home, Create, External Data, and Database Tools.  Each tab is divided into groups.  The groups are logical collections of features designed to perform function that you will utilize in developing or editing your Access database. 

Commonly utilized features are displayed on the Ribbon.  To view additional features within each group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner of each group.
Additional Features
Home:  Views, Clipboard, Fonts, Rich Text, Records, Sort & Filter, Find
Create: Tables, Forms, Reports, Other
External Data: Import, Export, Collect Data, SharePoint Lists
Database Tools: Macro, Show/Hide, Analyze, Move Data, Database Tools
Quick Access Toolbar
The quick access toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains commands that you may want to use.  You can place the quick access toolbar above or below the ribbon.  To change the location of the quick access toolbar, click on the error at the end of the toolbar and click Show Below the Ribbon.
Quick Access Toolbar
Navigation Pane
The Navigation Pane displays database objects such as tables, forms, queries, and reports.
Navigation Pane
Tabbed Document Window Viewing
Tabbed document viewing opens tables, forms, queries and reports in the same window.  Click the tabs to switch between windows.

PowerPoint 2007 Tips - XII

Design Tips
  • Slides should be of a consistent design throughout the presentation
  • Use graphics and pictures when possible
  • Remove unnecessary information and graphics
  • Use contrasting background and text colors
  • Keep the number of fonts used in the presentation to 3
  • Keep the fonts consistent throughout the presentation
Presentation Tips
  • Identify the critical information for your presentation
  • Use no more than 6 bullets per page
  • Bullets should be short ideas, not complete sentences (these should be your talking points)
  • To start the Slide Show, Click Slide Show on the Presentation Views group on the View tab
  • Use the arrow keys to move forward or backward in a presentation
  • Press the Escape (Esc) key to end the slide show
  • A pen tool is available for drawing on the screen with the mouse. Press CTRL+P or click the right mouse button at any time and a popup window will appear. Choose Pen and the pointer will change to a pen that allows you to draw freehand on the screen using the mouse. Press the E key to erase all pen strokes. PressCTRL+A to disable the pen feature and revert the pen back to a pointer arrow.
  • If you would like to use the pen to draw on a blank screen during a presentation, press the B or W keys, or select Screen/Black Screen from the popup menu and the screen will turn black. Press B or W again or choose Next from the popup menu to return to the presentation when you are finished drawing.
  • To hide the pointer and button from the screen press the A key.
  • Be sure to preview the slide show using a projector if one will be used during the presentation. Words or graphics that are close to the edge of the screen may be cut off by the projector.
Spell Check
To check the spelling throughout a presentation:
  • Click the Spelling button in the Proofing group on the Review tab
Check Spelling Button

Printing - XI

Create Speaker Notes
Speaker Notes can be added to allow you to create notes for each slide.  To add speaker notes:
  • Select the slide
  • Click View
  • Click Note Pages
  • Click the Click to add Notes section of the screen
  • Type in the Notes for that slide
Notes Page
Print a Presentation
There are many options for printing a presentation.  They are:
  • Slides: These are slides that you would see if you were showing the presentation, one slide per page
  • Handouts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9 per page, this option allows for more slides per page
  • Notes Page: This includes the slides and the speaker notes
  • Outline View: This will print the outline of the presentation
To access the print options:
  • Click the Microsoft Office Button
  • Click Print
  • In the Print Dialog Box, click the arrow next to Print what
  • Choose the format and click OK to print
Print Dialog Box
To print preview:
  • Click the Microsoft Office Button
  • Place the cursor over Print
  • Click Print Preview
  • Click the arrow next to Print What to change print options
  • To print from Print Preview, click Print
Print Preview
To Exit Print Preview:
  • Click the Close Print Preview button
Print Preview Close Button
Package a Presentation
There are times when you want to package a presentation with all of the additional files attached as well.  To package a presentation for CD:
  • Click the Microsoft Office Button
  • Click Publish
  • Click Package for CD
  • Type a name for the CD
  • Click Copy to CD or Copy to Folder
Package for CD Options

Slide Effects - X

Slide Transitions
Transitions are effects that are in place when you switch from one slide to the next.  To add slide transitions:
  • Select the slide that you want to transition
  • Click the Animations tab
  • Choose the appropriate animation or click the Transition dialog box
Animations Dialog Box
To adjust slide transitions:
  • Add sound by clicking the arrow next to Transition Sound
Transition Sounds Dialog Box
  • Modify the transition speed by clicking the arrow next to Transition Speed
Transition Speed Drop Down
To apply the transition to all slides:
  • Click the Apply to All button on the Animations tab
Apply to All Transitions Button
To select how to advance a slide:
  • Choose to Advance on Mouse Click, or
  • Automatically after a set number of seconds
Advance Slide Options
Slide Animation
Slide animation effects are predefined special effects that you can add to objects on a slide.   To apply an animation effect:
  • Select the object
  • Click the Animations tab on the Ribbon
  • Click Custom Animation
  • Click Add Effect
  • Choose the appropriate effect
Add Custom Animation Dialog Box

Animation Preview
To preview the animation on a slide:
  • Click the Preview button on the Animations tab
Preview Animation Button
Slide Show Options
The Slide Show tab of the ribbon contains many options for the slide show.  These options include:
  • Preview the slide show from the beginning
  • Preview the slide show from the current slide
  • Set up Slide Show
Slide Show Tab
Set Up Slide Show
This option allows you to set preferences for how the slide show will be presented. The options include:
  • Whether the show will run automatically or will be presented by a speaker
  • The looping options
  • Narration options
  • Monitor resolutions
Set Up Slide Show Dialog Box
Record NarrationWhen you want to record narration for the slides:
  • Click the Record Narration button
  • Click Set Microphone Level to check the levels of audio input
  • Click OK to record the narration
Record Narration Dialog Box
Rehearse Timings
Use Rehearsed Timings to rehearse the timings of slide with audio.
  • Click the Rehearse Timings button
  • Practice speaking and advance the slides as you would in the presentation
  • When you have completed this click through the end of the slide
  • Choose whether or not to keep this timing or to retry
Rehearse Timings Button