Sunday, May 20, 2012



A series of instructions or procedural steps for the solution of a specific problem.

Algorithm Code
A system of coding data by the use of combination of letters to represent item of information.

Alphanumeric Code
Pertaining to character set or field of data in which the coded characters may represent numerals or letters of the alphabets.

Analog Computers
Analog computers are machines designed to perform arithmetical functions upon numbers where the numbers are represented by some physical quantity.

Introduction to Windows Operating System

Introduction to Windows Operating System

Windows Desktop
Windows “Desktop” is like a working surface of a desk. Desktop is where your applications, folders and shortcuts are located. Desktop contains the following items.
1. Icons
2. Taskbar
3. Start Button
The function of these desktop items is given below:

1. Icon
An icon is a small colourful graphical picture that represents an object like a file, folder, program or any hardware components of the computer. Every icon has a lable, which identifies it. The labels can be changed.

Computer Software

Computer Software

Machine Language
Machine language is the only language that a compute understands directly without any translation, it is the binary language. It is the language of 0’s and 1’s . It consists of strings of binary numbers.
The binary codes are very difficult to memorize for human beings that is why a machine language is cumbersome for a user.

Difference Between a High-Level Language and Low-Level Language
High-Level Languages
High-Level language are more suitable for human use than machine languages and enable the programmer to write instructions easily using English words and familiar mathematical symbols. These symbolic languages are called High-Level languages. These high-level languages consist of simple English sentences, which are very easy to understand and memorize for human being.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra
The Boolean algebra was developed by the English mathematician George Boole; it deals with statements in mathematical logic, and puts them in the form of algebraic equations. The Boolean algebra was further developed by the modern American mathematician Claude Shannon, in order to apply it to computers. The basic techniques described by Shannon were adopted almost universally for the design and analysis of switching circuits. Because of the analogous relationship between the actions of relays, and of modern electronic circuits, the same techniques which were developed for the design of relay circuits are still being used in the design of modern high speed computers. Thus the Boolean algebra founds its applications in modern computers after almost one hundred years of its discovery.
Boolean algebra provides an economical and straightforward approach to the design of relay and other types of switching circuits. Just as an ordinary algebraic expression may be simplified by means of the basic theorems, the expression describing a given switching circuit network may also be reduced or simplified using Boolean algebra.

Data Representation

Data Representation 

The word data is derived from Latin language. It is plural of Datum (But Data is usually used as a singular term.) Datum (singular) – Data (plural). Data is any collection of facts of figures. The data is the raw material to be processed by a computer.
Names of students, marks obtained in the examination, designation of employees, addresses, quantity, rate, sales figures or anything that is input to the computer is data. Even pictures, photographs, drawings, charts and maps can be treated as data. Computer processes the data and produces the output or result.

Storage Devices

Storage Devices 


Primary Storage Devices
The names of some computer’s primary storage devices are as follows:
1. Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • DRAM
  • SRAM
2. Read Only Memory (ROM)
  • PROM
3. Memory
4. Cache Memory

Computer Components

Computer Components
(Chapter - 5)

Central Processing Unit – CPU
The central processing unit (CPU), also called the microprocessor, the processor or central processor is the brains of the computer. The CPU is housed on a tiny silicon chip. This chip contains millions of switches and pathways that help your computer make important decisions. The switches control the flow of the electricity as it travels across the miles of pathways. The CPU knows which switches to turn on and which to turn off because it receives its instructions from computer programs. Programs are a set of special instructions written by programmers that control the activities of the computer. Programs are also known as software.

Programming and Basics

Programming and Basics

While writing a program it is necessary to repeat a part of a program for a number of times. The best solution for this is to use a loop it is a method which executes a part of the program repeatedly as specified by the programmer.

a) Pre-Test Loop
b) Post-Test Loop